Semester 1 2022 BALLOT dates & other info

*This post is only relevant to students enrolled/enrolling in either COMM2625 Media 3 or COMM2627 Media 5 in semester 1, 2022. It does not apply to students enrolling in COMM2624 Media 1]

Allocation to media studios (for Media 3 and Media 5 courses) in Semester One 2022 will be determined by a balloting process in January. Your studio will be your Media 3 or 5 course. There will be around 17 studios on offer and you make your preference selection based on the studios description book available when the ballot opens.

Communication about the ballot will be via student email to correctly enrolled Media 3 and Media 5 students but also posted here on the MediaFactory studios page.

We’re planning for the majority of studios to be taught face-to-face on RMIT’s city campus. There will also be a small number of studios that are offered as online only. You will need to identify which you are available for at the time of balloting.

PLEASE FILL OUT THIS BRIEF FORM to give us an idea of whether you are planning to study face to face on campus or online in 2022 – even if you aren’t completely certain at the moment it helps our planning if we have some idea of what issues students are currently weighing up in relation to this.

It is crucial to note that the ballot process is completely separate to myTimetable – you can not select studios via Timetable preferencing. The Studio Co-Coordinators determine allocations and advise students of these and also arrange for that allocation to be entered in myTimetable (where it cannot be changed).

If you miss completing the ballot you can still do a studio but will be automatically allocated to one where there is a space. It will not be possible to change that allocation.

Balloting will only be accepted for students correctly enrolled at the time in COMM2626 Media 3 and COMM2628 Media 5 in semester one, 2022.

These are the relevant dates for this process for semester one in 2022:

  • Wed 19 Jan (5pm) – Studio Description Book and Media studio timetable sent/available and BALLOT OPENS
  • Tues 25 Jan (11.59pm) – Ballot closes
  • Fri 28 Jan (11.59pm) – Students advised of studio allocations 
    • Note: The allocations will be automatically entered in your myTimetable but this may not happen straight away. Remember to preference your other courses around your allocation]
  • Fri 28 Jan (10am)– Timetable preferencing for your OTHER COURSES opens

Don’t forget to occasionally check in on your RMIT emails over the break.

For any questions please email direct both of the current Studio Co-Coordinators

BALLOT PROCESS FOR SEM 2 2021 (COMM2625 Media 2 + COMM2627 Media 4)

Allocation to a specific media studio is determined by a balloting process. After reading the studio descriptions booklet you are given the opportunity to nominate your top three studio preferences from the 15 studios on offer.

It is important to note that this process happens outside of – and completely replaces -Timetable preferencing.

Balloting will only be accepted for students correctly enrolled in COMM2627 Media 4 in semester two, 2021.


The Studio Co-Coordinators Brian and Paul will determine which studio you are allocated to. If you miss completing the ballot within the timeframe below you can still do a studio but will be automatically allocated to one where there is a space. It will not be possible to change that allocation.


These are the relevant dates for this process:

    • 4th of June Friday (5pm) – Studio Description Book sent/available and Ballot opens
    • 9th of June Wednesday (11.59pm) – Ballot closes
    • 15th June Tuesday (5pm) – Students advised of their studio allocations [these will be automatically entered in your myTimetable for you – you can not change them]
    • 15th to 28th of June – Timetable preferencing is open for your OTHER COURSES (please note that it isn’t ‘first in first served’)

Communication about the ballot will be via student email to enrolled students  Media 4 and also posted to


As in last semester, we will be running 4 or 5 studios online to cater for those overseas or who can’t travel into Melbourne

For our planning purposes, it would be a huge help if we know where and how you will be studying next semester so could you please fill out this form

Hope the rest of your semester goes well. If you are returning from a leave of absence or new to the studios we look forward to having you onboard after your well-earned break.

Please get back to us if there are any questions. It’s much easier to answer questions and solve potential issues now than in week 2 of semester 2.



  1. Many of the ONLINE only studio times have changed since this post was first published. We’ve shifted morning classes to afternoons as so many off-campus students will be affected by international time differences. (HYBRID studios have not changed)

2. The timetable preference site is incorrectly asking you to enter days and times for Media 3 and Media 5. This is an error. You don’t need to enter anything as your timetable for the studio will be automatically populated as per the information below sometimes in the next couple of weeks. If you have entered something for Media 3/5 don’t worry about it – it will be ignored. *Apologies for the confusion around this*.

Hi all 

See the studios you‘ve been allocated to here .

MyTimetable preferencing opens tomorrow. Please don’t preference tutorial times for your other courses (context and electives) that take place at the same times as your studio. Remember that all lectures in first semester are online and recorded so those kinds of clashes shouldn’t be an issue. Your studio times will be automatically entered for you in your timetable.


Thursday 9.30 – 1.30

Tuesday 1.30 – 4.30



Friday 9.30 – 1.30

Tuesday 9.30 – 12.30



Tuesday 1.30 – 5.30

Thursday 1.30 – 4.30



Thursday 1.30 – 5.30

Monday 1.30 – 4.30



Tuesday 9.30 – 1.30

Thursday 1.30 – 4.30



Tuesday 9.30 – 1.30

Thursday 9.30 – 12.30



Thursday 1.30 – 5.30

Tuesday 1.30 – 4.30



Wednesday 1.30 – 5.30

Tuesday 1.30 – 4.30



Monday 1.30 – 5.30

Wednesday 9.30 – 12.30



Wednesday 9.30 – 1.30

Friday 1.30 – 4.30



Friday 9.30 – 1.30

Tuesday 9.30 – 12.30



Tuesday 1.30 – 5.30

Friday 9.30 – 12.30



Monday 1.30 – 5.30

Wednesday 1.30 – 4.30



Monday 1.30 – 5.30

Thursday 1.30 – 4.30


Online only – SEEING THE UNSEEN 

Monday 1.30 – 5.30

Friday 1.30 – 4.30



Monday 1.30 – 5.30

Wednesday 1.30 – 4.30


Online only – THE SCENE IN CINEMA 2021 

Monday 1.30 – 5.30

Thursday 1.30 – 4.30

We have devised a method of teaching where (in HYBRID as opposed to ONLINE only studios) once a fortnight there will be:
>>a 4 hour class (face-to-face or online for the online-only studios). Half of the studios start this in week 1 and the other half in week 2 (we’ll let you know which yours is closer to the time), and;
>>in the other week, 2 x 3 hour online classes. One of them starts at the same time as your 4 hour class.

Details of this will be explained closer to semester start. All you need to do is make sure your timetable doesn’t clash.

A final reminder – towards the end of the timetabling process, the times for your studio will automatically be entered into your timetable. Don’t try to change these.

Semester 2 2020 studio allocation timeline

This only applies to students who will be enrolled in Media 2 and Media 4 in semester 2 2020.

(If you are going in to Media 6 you’re doing something different to a studio in your final Media ‘capstone’ course).

Studio descriptions and timetable released: Fri 3 July 5pm
Studio ballot is open: Fri 3 July, 5pm – Thurs 9 July, 11.59pm
Allocations released: Tues 14 July 5pm

Sem 2, Week 1 begins: Mon 20 July

TIMETABLE – preferencing is open from 19 June – 01 July [Semester 2 begins Mon, 22 July]

Please do not fill in any preferences/times etc for your Media 2 or Media 4 course in timetable preferencing – the allocation is carried out via the ballot run by the program.

Timetable preferencing for all your other courses is open 15-29 June
Your timetable allocation adjustment (for other courses) happens from 6 July


The Studio Description book will be accompanied by a studio timetable so you can preference non-clashing studio times (if you aren’t prepared to change context and elective courses).

Once allocated to a studio (13 July) the two studio class times will automatically be entered for you in your timetable. You are not able to change these.

Semester 1 2020 Media Studio descriptions and Ballot Form

Please READ ALL of this to the end and take the time to digest it – apologies for the length but it is all relevant.

Some things to note:

  • Only students enrolled/enrolling in MEDIA 3 and MEDIA 5 in Sem 1 2020 should fill in the ballot. (Don’t fill it in if you are only doing MEDIA 1 – we have other plans for you!).
  • The ballot is not ‘first in, first served’ so take a little time to read and consider the studio descriptions before filling in. You can adjust your preferences while the ballot is still open.

Download the  Media Studios Book Sem 1 2020.

For the ballot:

  • The ballot will close 11.59pm on FRIDAY, 31 JANUARY. Any entries after this time and date won’t count for the allocation process.
  • Please ensure you select a different studio for each of your three preferences. If you select the same studio more than once this will render your vote invalid and you will be placed in a different studio at the Studio Coordinator’s discretion.
  • This is not a guaranteed *selection* but an indication of preferencedepending on what is popular you may not get your first or second choice of studio. Don’t sweat it – all of the studios are great and missing out on a particular one this semester won’t ruin your degree experience or CV.
  • We reserve the right to not allocate students to new studios led by staff who have taught them in a studio before. If a studio is similar to one you’ve done before then it is advisable not to nominate it as a preference. Variety is important for everyone.

Any questions about particular studios should be sent in the first instance to Studio Co-Coordinators:
Brian Morris, &
Paul Ritchard

[no, you haven’t missed it … the ballot link is coming … ]]

You must submit your response from/while logged in to  YOUR RMIT email account:

>>>THIS IS THE LINK TO BALLOT FORM where you should enter your preferences.


    • Wed 5 Feb – Students advised of their studio allocations including class days and times [these will be automatically entered in your myTimetable]
    • Mon (5pm) 10 Feb – Timetable preferencing for your other courses closes (note that this system is not ‘first in, first served’ either)
    • Mon 17 Feb – myTimetable re-opens for adjustment/re-allocation of your other courses (studio changes not permitted)
    • Mon 2 Mar – semester one classes begin

**Do not fill in any preferences/times etc for your Media 3 or Media 5 course in myTimetable preferencing at any stage** – these will be pre-filled for you after that initial timetable system preferencing period finishes on 10 February.

Thanks for reading to the end!

Ballot process for semester 1 2020 (COMM2626 Media 3 and COMM2628 Media 5)

UPDATE: GO HERE for description book and ballot form.


Allocation to media studios is determined by a balloting process for each semester in which students nominate their top three choices from a much wider range after reading the studio descriptions booklet.

These are the relevant dates for this process for semester one allocations next year:

  • Fri 24 Jan – Studio Description Book sent/available and Ballot opens
  • Fri 31 Jan (11.59pm) – Ballot closes
  • Wed 5 Feb – Students advised of there studio allocations [these will be automatically entered in your myTimetable]
  • Mon (5pm) 10 Feb – Timetable preferencing for your other courses closes
  • Mon 17 Feb – myTimetable re-opens for adjustment/re-allocation of your other courses (studio changes not permitted)
  • Mon 2 Mar – semester one classes begin

Communication about the ballot will be via student email but also posted to

Balloting will only be accepted for correctly enrolled students.

Any students in China at the time of the ballot who are unable to access the ballot form link due to internet restrictions may email me during the ballot period with their preferences.

Wishing you a happy and safe break from your studies and look forward to seeing you all next year in the studios.

Media Studio ALLOCATIONS – Sem 2 2019

Here is the Allocation list for semester 2 media studios and here is the Timetable_Media Studios Sem 2 2019_3 Jul (updated ).

You should now enter or adjust your myTimetable preferences before next Monday (1/7) at 5pm.

*PLEASE DON’T ENTER OR ATTEMPT TO CHANGE YOUR MEDIA 2/MEDIA 4 (STUDIO) TIMES*as these will automatically be entered for you. Don’t click, change, touch or think about them – please. They will automatically entered for you.

For all your other courses where you can preference classes make sure you don’t pick times that clash with your two studio classes (as per the timetable you can download in this post).

If there is still a clash with a context lecture/screening or an elective course you will need to change the other course (your core Media course, aka the studio, is first priority – it is a BComm Media degree you’re studying for … ). Often you can take those other courses in a different semester.

We’d appreciate if don’t write asking for a change of studio because you don’t think it is the right one for you – the allocation doesn’t/can’t work like that. We allocate as fairly as we can based on what we get in terms of preferences and its a complicated beast – but it works pretty well overall in terms of the feedback we’ve had

. All the studios are wonderful. They offer lots of opportunities to pursue work and ideas that interest you within their specific frame. This degree gives so much more choice than any comparative Media production degree in Australia – keep that in perspective.

Here is the Media Studios Book Sem 2 2019 link again.

Happy studio-ing


Brian Morris

Paul Ritchard

(Studio Co-Coordinators)

Sem 2 2019 Media Studio Descriptions and Ballot

Please read all of this and take the time to digest it – apologies for the length but it is all relevant.

Some things to note:

  • Only students enrolled/enrolling in MEDIA 2 and MEDIA 4 in Sem 2 2019 should fill in the ballot. (Don’t fill it in if you are only doing MEDIA 6 – we have other plans for you!).
  • The ballot is not ‘first in, first served’ so take a little time to read the studio descriptions before filling in. You can adjust your preferences while the ballot is still open.

Here is the Media Studios Book Sem 2 2019 link.

For the ballot:

  • The ballot will close 11.59pm on WEDNESDAY, 19 JUNE. Any entries after this time and date will be disregarded.
  • Please ensure you select a different studio for each of your three preferences. If you select the same studio more than once this will render your vote invalid and you will be placed in a studio at the Studio Coordinator’s discretion.
  • This is not a guaranteed *selection* but an indication of preference – you may not get your first or second choice. Don’t sweat it – all of the studios are great and missing out on a particular one this semester won’t ruin your degree experience or CV. Many comparable media degrees give absolutely NO choice in the kind of classes you might take as well as minimal electives – so we think you get a pretty fair shake of the sauce bottle in the BComm Media.
  • We reserve the right to not allocate students to new studios led by staff who have taught them in a studio before. If a studio is similar to one you’ve done before then it is advisable not to nominate it as a preference. Variety is important for everyone.

Any questions about particular studios should be sent in the first instance to Studio Co-Coordination, Brian Morris,

[no, you haven’t missed it … the ballot link is coming … but first …]

You must submit your response from YOUR RMIT google account:
The easiest way is to log into your RMIT google drive. We’d suggest having one browser (eg Chrome) for your RMIT email and google drive and another (eg Firefox or Safari) for your personal stuff. You may need to log out of your other personal google accounts before logging in to your RMIT google drive.

>>>THIS IS THE LINK TO THE BALLOT FORM where you should enter your preferences.


    • Studio descriptions released:  Wed 5pm, 12 June
    • Studio ballot is open:  Thurs, 13 June – Wed 19 June, 11.59pm
    • Allocations released:  Mon 5pm, 24 June

TIMETABLE – preferencing for second semester is open from 19 June – 01 July  [Semester 2 begins Mon, 22 July]. It is not ‘first in, first served’.

**Do not fill in any preferences/times etc for your Media 2 or Media 4 course in Timetable preferencing at any stage** – these will be pre-filled for you by us/timetabling after that initial preferencing period finishes on 01 July.

->Just make sure you enter preference times for Story, Place and Media and your context course that do not clash with your allocated studio – once notified on 24 June.

(*And a reminder for students new to studios, the studio *is* your Media 2 or Media 4 class for the semester – there isn’t anything extra. You will just have the two scheduled classes each week for the studio. For your information, here is a copy of the semester 2 studio timetable (still subject to change) for semester 2. It might not be obvious but we definitely don’t allocate students according to their timetable preferences).

One final, FINAL thing – the streaming of studios:

This semester we’re beginning to implement a process by which the studios are badged in the descriptions as belonging to one of three streams: craftcommunityconceptual.

It builds on our recognition of patterns of past studios in terms of their orientations to production, media studies etc; staff discussions about what approaches characterise the BComm Media; and student feedback and requests to do something similar to this in terms of signalling what kind of studio they are preferencing.

Here are some initial parameters which will obviously evolve as we iterate.

  • craft  – studios that have the exploration of a specific media form, genre or set of making techniques at their heart (though they still draw on appropriate theories – practice-based and scholarly to drive that making)
  • community – any studio involved in a partnership with an organisation external to the University; any studio involving a collaboration with another program at RMIT
  • conceptual – have a strong emphasis on concepts/ideas which drive the making in the studio: often in these studios students will have quite a degree of choice in the media form that they can explore those concepts through

This is a transitional semester for the streaming. We’re moving eventually to a system where we may require students to take at least one studio from each stream. But we won’t be making that compulsory for current students. 

Happy reading and preferencing. Thanks for reading to the end!

Sem 2 2019 Studio allocation + timetable timeline

This only applies to students who will be enrolled in Media 2 and Media 4 . (If you are going in to Media 6 you’re doing something different to a studio in your final Media ‘capstone’ course).

    • Studio descriptions released:  Wed 5pm, 12 June
    • Studio ballot is open:  Thurs midday, 13 June – Wed 19 June, 11.59pm
    • Allocations released:  Mon 5pm, 24 June

TIMETABLE – preferencing is open from 19 June – 01 July  [Semester 2 begins Mon, 22 July]

Do not fill in any preferences/times etc for your Media 2 or Media 4 course in Timetable preferencing – these will be pre-filled for you after that initial preferencing period finishes. Just make sure you enter preference times for Story, Place and Media and your context course that do not clash with your allocated studio (once notified).

**NOTE – the Studio Ballot and University Timetable Preference system are not ‘first in, first served’.**

The studio ballot form will be available at this website on the day it opens. You will need to be logged in to your rmit email/google account and logged out of any other google accounts to have permission to access it.

REMINDERS and NOTIFICATIONS will be posted on this site as well as sent to your student email (though that depends on you being correctly and currently enrolled in Media 2 and Media 4 for semester 2).

Inquiries to the Studio Co-Coordinators – Brian Morris and Paul Ritchard.

Semester 1 2019 Studio ALLOCATIONS (& TIMETABLE)

Here are the studio ALLOCATIONS and here is the studio TIMETABLE.

You should now enter or adjust your myTimetable preferences before next Monday (11/2) at 5pm.

PLEASE DON’T ENTER OR ATTEMPT TO CHANGE YOUR MEDIA 3/MEDIA 5 (STUDIO) TIMES – these will automatically be entered for you.

For all your other courses where you can preference classes make sure you don’t pick times that clash with your two studio classes (as per the timetable you can download in this post).

Before anyone contacts me about wanting to change or clashes with context or elective courses please read the FAQs.


Brian Morris (Studio Coordinator)