Out of Touch.

When i was a child the children that lived next door to me and down my street were my best friends. We would play on our bikes all day and our home time would be when the street lights came on.
Nowadays though, i know that the lady at no 3 leaves at 6:30 like me on Tuesday mornings, and that the boy at no 1 has a personalised number plate “Keirun’ but i do not know my neighbours. Perhaps its because i am older, and riding my bike around like a motor vehicle has lost its appeal or perhaps (and more likely) it’s because I’ve replaced physical social interaction with virtual social interaction.
I no longer need to go outside to make friends and communicate because i can do it from my bedroom inside.

From the reading, and the exert that Betty chose for the symposium “A few external links connecting these clusters keep them from being isolated from the rest of the world.” stood out and reminded me of the film Wall-e, and the scene where people are floating around with chairs and laptops and no one is communicating and yet they are passing by each other. They’re so isolated from the world in every physical way, there is no face to face communication, no hand shaking or high fiving, no personal displays of affection- nothing, they’re flying past each other but are too immersed in their screens that the world passes them by.

This reminds me of the train ride i take to and from Uni in which people sit next to each other, huddled and close yet never speak to each other because their noses are stuck in their phones.

Photo by Brandon Long on a San Francisco Powell Street Station

Is this what our world is coming to? Thousands of people close and with the ability to talk and make new friends, communicate with new people but don’t even try.
At least once a week i get a friend request on Facebook from someone I’ve never met, obviously trying to start some type of relationship, yet when we’re so close on a train or walking down the street no one wants or asks to be my friend. Yes social interaction is good for family and friends that are separated by distance but its not a replacement for communication.

Mindless Addiction

So in my Tute, the discussion of whether we are becoming mindless users of technology came up.

Discussion of how people line up for hours for the latest technology, specifically the latest Apple products like Sam Vieira and his friend Davor who according to The Sunday Morning Herald (http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/mobiles/sydney-students-first-in-line-for-new-apple-iphone-6-20140909-10eosx.html) have already started lining up for the iPhone six which doesn’t get released until September 19th.. they are literally lining up, wasting over a week of their live, to spend money on something that i’m going to risk a guess at saying they don’t desperately need.

From this Elliot, brought up that people actually lined up in front of Footlocker to purchase the latest pair of nikes.

We’re so obsessed with technology, and the latest things. Who created this want? Did advertisers influence us to think like this?
I don’t think Facebook was intending for users to spend hours on, mindlessly scrolling through a dashboard that isn’t offering us any insight or worthy knowledge but still majority of us do it. An hour easily goes by sometimes before i realise that i’m doing nothing with my time.

This discussion reminded me of a previous conversation that was brought up in class, the evil introduction of the Candy Crush Saga.
Upon researching this, i discovered that on Tuesday 1 April 2014 an estimated 93 million people played Candy Crush everyday, it’s made around $800,000 daily due to people buying lives and help tools, that half a billion people have downloaded the app and finally that King Digital made $568m last year alone! Preeeetty impressive for them but pretty embarrassing for us players, personally i’m on level 140 and i’m seriously stuck.
According to http://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2014/apr/01/candy-crush-saga-app-brain the game exploits our brains and in some way creates an addiction like reaction to users. The structure of mini rewards releases something called neurochemical dopamine which then taps into the same neuro-circuitry involved in addiction, reinforcing our actions and because Candy Crush is more a game of luck, and you can never predict when you will win next you “win just enough to keep you coming back for more.”

How scary!? but does this mean that my addiction to most game app is technically not my fault? and doesn’t make me a sad person? because 2048 is a serious addiction of mine.

Week 7 Reading.

In Murphie, Andrew, and John Potts work “Culture and Technology.” I found the segment on Knowing the world differently: Poststructualist thought to be the most interesting.

What comes first the chicken or the egg? I think it’s fair to say that technology and change are much like the chicken and the egg, as the writers say “we know the world differently through different technologies, and different technologies themselves are in turn a response to knowing the world differently.” but as they point out may technology dwell closer to the very heart of whatever we call human. Technology changes as we change, with its requirement to match our needs, which in a sense also become their needs?
They bring up Posthuman, and according to wikipedia a posthuman being a hypothetical future being whose basic capacities so radically exceed those of present humans as to be no longer unambiguously human by our current standards, a completely synthetic artificial intelligence like a cyborg.

Most interestingly though, ..

They bring up technology and techniques and that ‘machines imply techniques’, and they question whether we need technique to use things and if techniques come unattached to technologies, with an attempt to answer that i bring in Raymond Williams who claims that a technical invention only becomes an available technology when one possess the knowledge and technique to do so. Therefore if techniques do not come attached to specific technologies then how would we learn the techniques, could you learn to use a pen without using a pen? learn to ride a bike without actually riding a bike? i don’t think so but saying that the ‘Folders’ on a computer stem from our already existent ability to search through folders, therefore giving us the technique without the technology.

Defining Beauty

Journalist Priscilla Yuki Willson sent her picture out to over 25 international editors to “make her beautiful”, through which she revealed how subjective and prevalent the culture of beauty is on a global scale, and to see the different beauty standards of the world.

With this being the original:

and these being a select few of the most disturbing changes:

from Montenegro-

from Macedonia-

and from Vietnam-

Despite all of the changes, Willson is glad that her face looks nothing like the altered ones. She’s setting her own beauty standards for women, especially those of diverse backgrounds.

“I define beauty as an act of self love and embracing my own humility,” she said.

To read the article and see the remaining pictures, visit


and see the another experiment by Ester Honig who did a similar study with similar results