Whats On In The Blurbs

After receiving relatively positive feedback from both Bruce and Sam regarding theĀ “whats on in the burbs” segment of or DEMO, we have unfortunately found out that Elizabeth will not be allowing us to present this piece for our live to air segment. This cut is due to the fact that apparently a number of different programs at 3RRR already cover similar content.


This comes as quite a blow as this segment was the time where Bek and myself were able to engage with each other in greater detail and develop not only a report with ourselves as presenters, but the listener too.


I feel as though this setback, being an annoyance in the beginning, will ultimately work out for the best as it will give us a greater amount of time to interview another interviewee as a part of our live to air.




After Heading into the 3RRR studios to record our DEMO, the task was then to bounce the audio off the computers in the studio and upload it onto a site that could be accessed by everyone involved, as well as our assessors.


Having recorded the session in high quality .wav format, the process of uploading it onto a site became a long and tedious one; taking upwards of 5 attempts to get the piece onto soundcloud.


After this harrowing ordeal, we did manage to get the piece uploaded for everyones (including yours) audible pleasure:




Having just got into the swing of uni again for 2016, the plight of public holidays reared its head again and before I could register it, we were on a weeks break for Easter.


This break resulted in another missed round of classes for R.W.A.V. However, as a part of Group 4 – we all decided it best to head to the studios in the week to record the DEMO and familiarise ourselves further with the hour format ahead of the Live To Air.


Hitting the studios at 10:00am, we decide to give ourselves a 2 hour timeframe to work with. Using the first hour as a planning and rehearsal hour – we managed to smooth out a lot of the script and timing of certain segments as well as the use of music. The second hour saw us dive straight in and record our DEMO – having Bek and myself present, Aisha panel operate, Amalina doing the run sheet & Laura focusing on music and social media (although we didn’t have access to the 3RRR account).


I felt that the DEMO was a good first attempt at presenting an hour long radio program and that everyone involved pulled their weight to get it at a level we were all relatively happy with. Although I was concerned that my voice would feature too much, having recorded both the interviews – I think that the presenter balance was able to be achieved.

Studio Sorcery



This was the location in which we were to have our 2nd class of Media for 2016.


Having missed the previous week due to travels, nerves were at the forefront of my mind and clouded the excitement that should have been in its place. This nervousness soon subsided as I walked in and was greeted by a few familiar faces from previous semesters.


Having already been divided into groups, I joined my compadres as we sat silently and became aquatinted with the who’s who of 3RRR. The staff gave us the general break down of the studio etiquette before sending us off with their in house technician to learn the panels and the structure of the individual studios.


Having already completed a diploma in audio production, I was quite keen to get into the studios and see the consoles and audio gear that they had available. Seeing the console for the first time left me quite confident that I would be able to operate it quite well if required.


I think the only trouble will be finding a voice!


3RRR Console