My thoughts from week 5 symposium

When we spoke about today how schools are modelled on an industrial era… and through the conversation that followed I started to take it further in my head (drifting away from the conversation that was happening). I started to think about different schools and a conversation I had with my boss recently after he moved his year 1 son to a new school. Originally the boy went to a smaller school with less people and smaller classes. The parents originally thought that this would better off their son as he would gain more one on one attention for the teacher but instead being a smaller school meant they had less help because of lack of funding which led to low number of teacher aids so the teacher was left to try and teach a class with kids of all different learning stages, some with disabilities. His new school has bigger classes however because their is more money going into it there is more help available allowing the teacher to be able to lend more their time evenly. Basically through all this thinking I just created all these questions such as, is it fair that students suffer because of the school they go to? Shouldn’t everyone have the same chance to learn? Yes I took my mind on a journey but I am intrigued as to how education will advance in the future especially with the need and want for more and more technology to be apart of our lives.

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