Matt Manning's learning graph_0001

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Anyway, I want to upload the satisfaction graph that I’ve found over the semester which looks at the way in which I’ve reacted towards the four questions about my learning of new ideas, self criticism and the reaction of this blog week by week. It’s very hard to gauge the precise feelings between very positive, neutral and very negative accurately when you weren’t aware that you’d be needing to remember them. Also it’s hard when your very tired on a Monday which, as it happens, is the day I have to wake up the earliest, hence the tiredness. I think it accurately reflects how I feel now, not necessarily how I was feeling 8 weeks ago for instance. I was pretty confused at some of the ideas behind things at the start of the course. Again, this post looks over how I was satisfied or not. And here in the above image, are the highly unscientific and most likely. innacurate results. I think if one thing has come about from this graph it’s that I’m getting used to the system of learning and communicating that’s found in this course. And I’m hoping that means I’m more adaptable. Anyway, whilst I show you this, perhaps you can think of a better definition, or for that matter, spelling of this new, record breaking word:


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