All together now

We started off today’s studio class looking at everybody’s work on Assessment 1. It was very absorbing, being able to look at my classmates’ work; taking a tiny peep into their lives. The use of photography, film, and sound was great, and we ended the ‘presentation’ with displaying our work in the form of a slideshow on our individual devices. As a group, we stood at the back of the class and looked at everyone’s screens, photos and videos looping away, with the room filled with recorded sounds and noises.

Robbie also showed us a couple of cool videos, such as Tokyo Reverse and Stainless, 42 Street. Those were my two favourites. It’s fascinating how these artists and videographers have taken such an ordinary space, displaying its beauty in ways so unique.

Following up from all that we went through in today’s studio session, we got the brief for Assessment 2, and it requires close investigation of a particular place of our choice, considering various notions that give us further insight into how one might view a certain site. The class will be working in pairs, and I’m looking forward to what each group will come up with.

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