
This is the very first time I’ve actually learnt about the concept of hypertext rather than just knowing its definition as “text displayed on a computer display or other electronic device with references (hyperlinks) to other text which the reader can immediately access, or where text can be revealed progressively at multiple levels of detail”.



As my understanding, a hyperlink is a reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking or by hovering or that is followed automatically and Hypertext is text with hyperlinks. As I understand more about Hypertext by reading this article The history of Hypertext by Jakob Nielsen on February 1, 1995.


We can clearly see that nowadays, hyperlink has made life much easier and quicker with just one simple click on a blue underlined text. Even in this blog , hyperlink are used to link it back to my readings and to other referneces. How useful is that?

But, there comes an idea which states that Hyperlink break the traditional way of reading, non sequential, people can jump to anywhere, not follow a particular order like reading a book from start to end. Moreover, as it is now widely used around the world, accessible to everyone, privacy and security should be concerned. Nothing is really safe on the internet.

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