Week7_Takeaway from lecture


Bogost writes ‘lists do not just rebuff the connecting parts of language but rebuff the connecting of being itself.’ How do lists do this?


The lists seems to be infinite because items of the lists are from around the world. The role of lists is gathering different kind of things. Adrian says, “In that list making, you start to see  there is no center, there is no privilege to it.” We hardly find a relationship in lists as easy as in narrative or language. Lists deny the connections. What we can receive from the lists is a distinct list of item and we can clearly know what they are.

We are listing all the time, especially in our social network. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Flickr are more like a listing machine than a narrative machine. They are certainly no narrative, are certainly not the way of telling story when they give the way to tell stories. Take a flashback to our past posts, we will realise we are actually making our own diary on network platform rather than telling a story. Some people might say “I’m telling my story”, I would say no because they are just listing things on social media. The way of “telling story” actually is shifting the way of telling your life from a book to a open social media. It might be make sense if you show your diary in public.

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