#16 – 18/5/2016 – RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT

For my final research assignment, i’m studying the the long shot in relation to performance and how these types of shots are able to capture the emotional impact of the performance.

A couple of nights ago I found this video on the net that I find truly inspiring.

What I find super inspiring about it, other than the subject material, was how something so seemingly simple can have such contextual connotations and emit such a powerful emotional message within the simple cut shots between all the different residents of Brooklyn. Technically, it isn’t something i’d like to emulate (there are no long shots) but I still find it as being something that is stirring my creativity. After my talk with Robin today, i’ve decided that I really need to hone in on the long shot aspect of performance. I need to evolve my ideas and make sure that there isn’t a disjunction between the ideas bubbling around in my head and the execution of my project.

Hopefully this weekend i’m going to film the next part of my project. Compared to my last one, hopefully it comes across as bit more ‘professional’. Screen direction is so important and I need to really focus on that and convey my ideas in a succinct manner.


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