
It was quite refreshing finally being able to present my self-portrait, although I am not going to deny that it made things much more comfortable just presenting in front of 4 people.

Hearing other people’s opinions on my work and how they now see me really surprised me. I was very nervous coming up to present because I felt as if somehow my work would not even compete with anyone else’s, even though it wasn’t being marked at all. Others in my group seemed to believe that I was “family orientated” which was weird to hear because I’ve never considered myself in that way. I believe I could improve by just explaining things on my blog more, and explaining the deeper meaning behind the individual’s pieces in my self-portrait.

Even though we were asked to define ourselves just with a few files in a folder, I believe that it is more beneficial for both me, and others to actually present our self-portraits, and talk through the work, so things aren’t really misinterpreted and are understood more thoroughly. Although after hearing how other people defined themselves in such a deep and personal way, I feel as though my work now seems a bit shallow, and only representing who I am on the surface, so if I were to do this project again, I would try to explore the more definitive personal aspects of who I am.

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