So bad, it’s good

Yes, I know, I’m back on YouTube Poop again. DON’T GO I LOVE YOU.

What I want to do was share with you a particularly characteristic Pooper: ricesnot. The name betrays anything he makes. His themes include low fidelity stock images – watermark included – video, music, and graphics mainly from the 90’s and early 2000’s. There’s something awfully nostalgic in this way; the masterfully orchestrated music using only those fragments of media. The poorly photoshopped images layered in the most disgustingly haphazard way. The cheap stock music that undercuts everything. The simple minded dialogue. The horrid jpeg artifacts that distort several frames at a time, randomly. The utter disregard for continuity in media quality.

And lets not forget the incessant, relentless references and images of skeletons. Of all the objects in the world: skeletons. In it’s own way these videos create and maintain a demented story world that demands absolutely no prior knowledge or investment into anything to be humourous. If anything, they get funnier the more you watch them and the less coherent the videos as a series appear.

But no matter how incoherent, nonsensical the videos get the barebones (oh good god stop me now) narrative keeps them afloat, just enough to deliver their excellently timed, poorly constructed punchlines. It’s simply brilliant, the kind of stuff that became available on the internet.

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