Media 1 Lecture 8

For the past 2 years, film making has been a growing passion of mine, so the focus on narrative for this weeks lecture really appealed to me. I was reminded of the knowledge I gained through filmmaking and year 12 media, as well as building upon this knowledge and extending its application.

In year 12 Media, I struggled to grasp the concept of ’cause and effect’, which resulted in me spending hours and hours exploring the concept; understanding it and applying it to the films I watched, as well as trying to find the causality of actions in the lives of every day people- because when you stop and think about it, life in itself is a story *insert autobiography title list here*
In essence, and as further justified in his week’s lectorial, causality creates a plot, allows for character development and/or for the exposure of the path of character development and is the foundation of story.

Dan mentioned that story is an essential part of life and when he said this, it all began to make sense- we tell stories about adventures, we listen and read stories, we dream about these stories and our life is a story in itself.
Narrative isn’t just applied in a filmic sense- songs have narratives, comedians recall narratives, we retell narratives to others as a form of entertainment or as an expression of our interests. We bond over narratives- similar experiences as well as similar filmic tastes
Narrative is in fact a fundamental element of society and life.

But as explained, there is such a thing as non narrative story, most commonly recognised as a cinematic mode and exemplified through Andy Warhol’s film encompasses the real time representation of the Empire State Building, like a filmic version of that noticing exercise we did a few weeks ago
With non narrative- a story can be applied or associated with objects exhibited, sound and sound editing as well as editing in general which kind of lends itself to the reading of the text

I felt like this week’s lectorial was refreshing- this year has been a time of change and new adventures, so it was nice to not only touch on information from my previous education and experiences, but to grasp a fundamental idea of life- story.

Here is a song that is a story about Lola, who was a Showgirl.. Barry Manilow’s Copacabana


18 | melbourne | media | music

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