On Friday I spent a day helping a friend out with her short film for third year fashion at RMIT. When I agreed to it I didn’t realise it would be such a long day. I got to the RMIT Brunswick campus at 8.30am and spent the first hour taping black garbage bags together to then place on the windows so people wouldn’t be able to see through them. We then spent quite a while setting up this ‘porta-jib’ contraption. It took two people to operate it smoothly but it was great to experience the freedom and fluidity available!

rig 1

We used a Blackmagic camera which was surprisingly simple to use. The quality was great and we experimented with a variety of lenses- most notably a tilt/shift lense which created some super interesting effects.

black magic

I haven’t gone into too much detail as I need to wait until my friend has submitted the final product but it was a fantastic experience. I definitely experienced and saw how much work goes into a production, even if the final product is only 5 minutes long. I was there from 8.30am-6.30pm. I can only imagine what it’s going to be like when it’s my own production!


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