Trigger Warnings + PC Culture.

  In last week’s workshop about audiences, the subject of Trigger Warning’s came up. Specifically about recent events at American Universities.  One of the groups in class is doing this as the subject of their PB4 and interviewed me about…

Week 10 Workshop: Institutions + SNL

As ‘Institutions’ is my subject for PB4 I had already done the readings a couple of weeks ago and discussed them a bit in the post ‘Late Night Talk’ and ‘PBS & Sesame Street’. In the workshop today, when Louise…

Misinterpretation & Audiences

In the workshop about audiences, we talked about how content can be misinterpreted by audiences. The example given was a sketch from The Chaser that lampooned the Make-A-Wish foundation.  I thought this sketch was hilarious. I wasn’t so much as…

The People Formerly Known as the Audience: A Response

In the workshop today, we discussed the article ‘The People Formerly Known as the Audience’ . Many of my peers felt the peice was agressive in tone. I assume it is because they consider themselves to be ‘media people’. I did…

The End of Water Cooler Television

“The new forms of electronic broadcasting, such as radio and television, introduced a further new dimension as their audiences now consumed the same messages at exactly the same time. Thus broadcast schedules played a significant part in creating a shared…

Bright World

Bright World

Tonight I went with a friend to see Bright World written by and starring Elise Hearst and Andrea James at Theatre Works in St. Kilda. “1938 Europe Burns. Young Jewish couple Hans and Alice Herskovics mount a dangerous escape from Nazi-Occupied…

credit to Ian Hughes

The Institution of Late Night Talk

While collecting references for my annotated bibliography I came across a thesis entitled The Evolution of Mediatized Stand-Up Comedy: Investigating Para-Performances on Television, Film, and YouTube by Mirali Almaula. The thesis explores Stand Up Comedy performances and the effects that new…

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