Most of our workshop time was dedicated to working within our PB4 groups and starting to plan our approaches to this investigation. We were given some butchers paper and pens and given some time to just brainstorm ~ to think about our research area in broad terms and then begin to refine our topic area and discuss the way we would eventually present our project. The guidelines for PB4 aren’t defined definitely, I guess to allow groups to really focus on the various skills brought from each member, leaving presentation method up to interpretation so each group can choose a mode more suiting to their research.

Initial Brainstorm 27-4-15

Immediately, Alex, Julia and I knew we were going to make something film based, as that’s where their interests and skills lie ~ I was and am quite happy to do anything really because I’m not really sure where my skills lie at the moment and I’m not opposed to learning something new through this project brief.

We divided ourselves into 3 main areas of research




We refined our collaborative contract in regards to our dispute resolution mechanisms ~ something I hope we don’t need to use ~ and we brainstormed our approach within the idea of using film. We came to the conclusion that perhaps a documentary or report style of film might suit our project as the more we thought about our areas of research, especially regulation, our research would best be shown through a filmic representation of facts. Perhaps using interviews with people within certain media institiutions would serve as a backbone for our facts, also to help the information flow a little more freely and break up perhaps just the sounds of our own voices.

We also begun our research on our annotated bibliographies which are due next week. We decided that perhaps we could split into our chosen areas of research within the huge and relatively vague banner of ‘institutions’, so Alex took over researching media institutions themselves(such as Disney), Julia took regulation and I went for audiences.


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