I am looking forward to a fantastic semester ahead, exploding genre into smithereens!!! I intend to get a lot from this semester, as it is vastly different from my two studio’s before this. While my last two semesters have been spent learning about online documentary and live television, now I will get to more about cinema and creating media based around the study of genre. I hope to gain a number of skills. Firstly, I would like to learn the more practical side of things. This includes using equipment like lighting gear or camera’s, as well as using the editing suites and how to actually film or record a video piece. I would also like to learn the scripting process in more detail, to go with the casting of actors. For me, I love the pre-production stage of media the most as it involves creativity. I have always been fascinated with reading, and thus I have always also enjoyed creating and writing stories. This will give me a chance to improve my creative skills in forming media pieces in different genres. I look forward to improving in these ways and more, and look forward to analysing and watching other genre works. It looks like it’s going to be a great semester!