Integrated Media 01 – Self Assessment Contract

1.       I wish to improve my proficiency with Korsakow, and shall attempt to learn as much as possible about its technical functions over the course. By the end of the semester, I will create 3 different tutorials on my blog about how to do certain things on the program.

2.       In order to confirm to myself that I have a solid understanding of each reading, I will write 1 blog post per week that adequately deconstructs core ideas behind the reading and translates those using examples more relevant to myself.

3.       To gain a familiarity with interactive documentary and multi-linear storytelling, I will watch at least 7 k-films (student work or external). I will then review and discuss each k-film with a different blog post, identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as finding what I can incorporate into my own practice.

4.       I aim to improve my ability to critically reflect on my own learning constantly throughout the course. At the end of each week I will write out 1 brief review in my notebook of where I am at in terms of my learning. I will outline which points from the lecture and reading I struggle with, sketch tasks I find difficult, and problems I may face with assessment.

5.       In order to gather knowledge and perspective from sources outside of staff and academic writing, I will regularly check blog posts of my peers in the course, and will comment on their views in each of my own posts about readings.

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