TIF – A4 D#2

Development Post #3



The artist’s branding is a series of the strategies that are marketing individual personalities as products (TOMIUC, 2015) Also, a branding process is a tool that used for building up the credibility and trust needed in both the art world and contemporary society (TOMIUC, 2015).

It can be seen that, nowadays, it is important to brand and market as an artist in contemporary society. The branding of an artist’s personalities resembles the marketing of a product.

Branding is considered as the process of creating value through the providing of an attractive and consistent offer and customer experience that will please customers and keep them coming back (De Chernatony & McDonald, 1992, cited in Simmons, 2007). Consumers will develop their trusts in the brand because of their satisfaction with use and experience. Hence, companies have the chance to establish relationships with them, strengthen their brands further and differentiate them from competitors (Doyle, 1998, cited in Simmons, 2007). “Brands, therefore, enable a company to establish a unique identity and to increase the opportunity of attracting a large amount of repeat business. ” (Ibeh et al., cited in Simmons, 2007)

Although the journal is about companies’ branding, these theories also apply to the artists’ branding. As the artist’s branding is also a process of creating and providing appealing and quality contents that satisfy the potential employers and customers. The followers or potential clients will develop their trusts and royalties in the artist due to their fulfillment of contents. Thus, a special relationship will be built up with them, which helps the differentiation from other similar artists. Therefore, artists with their unique identities have the ability to attract more followers and clients.

Due to the importance of branding and marketing as a contemporary artist, our group would like to focus on and further discover this topic. Also, as we live in a digital world, we decided to narrow it down to the online branding.

Here are some questions that relate to it:

  • How do you go about promoting yourself online? Is there a specific platform and why are you drawn to this platform over others?
  • What do you see as the benefits/limitations of online promotion?
  • What do you do to separate yourself from others in your industry?


Reference List:

Tomiuc, A 2015, ‘Branding in the Art World: The Contemporary Visual Artist’, Journal of Media Research, vol. 8, no.1, viewed 17 May 2018, https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1P3-3723208571/branding-in-the-art-world-the-contemporary-visual

Simmons, Geoffrey J 2007, ‘i‐Branding”: developing the internet as a branding tool’Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 25, no.6, pp. 544-562, https://doi.org/10.1108/02634500710819932

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