Apparently this took this poor man over 10 hours. This is crazy. But it’s super interesting and awesome to see just how many bloody google doodles they’ve done. They’ve kept us entertained and informed for years but put all in succession together they’re an absolute work of art!

It’s funny how much they progressed as they started becoming bigger and more popular. The first few hundred are all based around the Google logo; it hardly changes at all, the lettering, font and placement stays the same par like two or three letters here and there. However as it progresses over time (which is why it’s so awesome this guy’s made a GIF out of them) you see just how intense it gets! It actually hurts your eyes a bit and gets pretty violent looking, but the latest ones are more and more abstract and bizarre and picturesque and over the top and not based on the Google letters very much at all. They’re much more artistic and impressive and sometimes you actually have to search for the letters.

Awesome work. It’s FAR too large to try and get the HTML code from (maybe I’m a noob and don’t know how to do it; i just went through Photobucket) seeing as its 1800 frames and over 15MB. WOW.


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