
“The pupil is made of water.” Aristotle, De Anima, III

“The true eye of the earth is water.” – Gaston Bachelard, L’Eau et les rêves, 1942

My project is an investigation through a sequence of shots of the use of water in film. I have studied the importance of water in film, and what it conveys. I chose this as a topic because water is interesting to film, and its sound is engaging. I have researched the idea of rain, puddles, and water.

Water symbolises multiple things depending on the context in which it appears, but most commonly connotes sadness, submerging,  rejection or despair.Water also represents washing of sins, grief, relief or cleansing. The ability for water to have many different significant meanings is interesting to explore. There are many modes of expression and perception in film, and water is one of them.


“Images and sounds stream on the screen like an inexhaustible flow of water, a ‘mechanical fluidity’ that perfectly expresses the spirit of modern times”

“Water makes the screen a fluid and interconnecting threshold between two places, between here and there, between present and past, conscious and unconscious, waking and sleeping, life and death.”

-Film in Depth. Water and Immersivity in the Contemporary Film Experience,  Adriano D’Aloiacinema



  • Make more shots investigating and experimenting with water in film and shots

Get involved with audio

  •  to give the shot more of a meaning, add audio of water to get quality content of how water sounds
  • add music to give the shots more meaning/ creates a story
  • sequence of shots or film


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