Observation #14


The tracks curve into one and to nowhere. Poles shoot out of the ground creating what could be a path, but from this angle looks to be a grave yard, the poles jutting out of the desolate ground for what seemingly no reason. The train carriages swerve, moving in and out of sync with each other, their motion delayed by mere moments and mimicked exactly moments later. Coughs and sneezes echo through the train yet as sunlight shines through the windows, revealing the dust particles floating in the air so few notice and yet so many are allergic to. The train moves, our environment changes around us, and yet we do not move. We stand still, so still even it’s as though in these non moments between a and b, we do not exist as ourselves. We just bide our time in the space between until we get there. But what about the time and the space between?


  1. About the isolation and human behaviour/interactions that takes place in ‘non-places’, places we use to get from point a to point b. Focus on different people with different characteristics and reactions to their environment/situation. Maybe something happens on the train that normally, in any other situation, they would react and do something in order to counter-act the situation, but due to the isolationist nature of the train, no one does anything. I can envision people just wanting to get home, to get out of their work clothes and into something more comfortable, as though in between skins. And then reality suddenly comes crashing in through the train doors, and they don’t do anything. They just want to get home, and this isn’t it.
  2. A poetic exploration of human isolation on public transport and other non-places, such as cars. Exploring the way these places do not exist to us, that they only exist in the in-between from point a to point b. Rhythmic narration creating poetic beats that construct and emphasise the hollow, isolating experience, drawing connections between the isolation presented on screen and the isolation felt by the audience in their own journeys will be throughout the piece.

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