The digital children’s book narrates the journey of a talented young mouse named Alex, who possesses an exceptional singing talent. Alex comes to a bustling metropolis with a big dream – to participate in a singing competition. However, he faces deliberate suppression and manipulation from the judging panel. Despite the challenges, Alex bravely steps forward to expose this conspiracy, earning enthusiastic applause and recognition from the audience. Ultimately, Alex fulfils his dream by gracing the dazzling stage. This story underscores themes of resilience, the unifying power of music, and the triumph of justice over deceit, making it suitable for children in the 7-12 age group.

AI was used to create this storybook. With the assistance of ChatGPT, the script was refined and improved. AI-generated all the illustrations in the e-book, and the voices in the video were also entirely AI-generated. During the production process, we explored the integration of AI technology and media work, constantly contemplating the potential applications of AI in the fields of education and entertainment, as well as how to use it to convey important values and information.

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