Micro-budget short film script “Yes or No”

My short film script is a drama about Eva who a lawyer with decidophobia (the fear of making the wrong decision) overcomes the trauma of childhood.

To make sure it was a micro-budget I consider it from different dimensions, mainly including cinematography, production design, locations, casting, production schedule and sound design. The main thing is to consider that the cost of the location and actress can be controlled to the greatest extent. I can borrow venues from friends, actress can be students from art school who want more experience.

The biggest challenge for me was getting the storyline close to the audience to resonate. When I pitched a few weeks ago, I didn’t have a complete idea of ​​the story line of the entire script. It was not until I started writing the script that I realized the story was lack of something attractive. The story line was gradually refined during the writing process of the script. Addressing this challenge by thinking about the character’s experience, what happened? Why does it happen? How to solve it? The movie has a beginning and an end, there are changes of the character throughout the development of storyline, and there are contrasts between the characters, which make the plot of the film richer and the characters fuller. Through this film, I also hope that the audience can think more about how parents should deal with the relationship between children and their hobbies. Blind suppression or concessions are not the best way.

Here is the link to the final script <Jianing_LI_s3776046_COMM2628_AT4_SCRIPT.pdf>

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