The Self – Body and Mind

‘Displacement of Body and Mind’ is meant to be centred around a character, Noah, who doesn’t feel comfortable in the activities that other peers would his age. He speaks about the troubles he faces when socialising, when reflecting about the wonders of his acute world, and about how he feels in his own self. His soul is seemingly lost, and it is explored through a hypnotic and uncertain narration that depicts his inner feelings and reflections. He is coming of age, and struggling with this, due to how much he still doesn’t understand. Noah is out of place, quite often, in a club, around his friends, and in his body. The narration conveys what he sees and how he feels, and the filming was an attempt at a sort of POV in relation to memories. The footage of the club is disorienting with colourful and moving visuals to emphasise Noah’s bodily experiences. Noah is a very internal character, constantly aware of his thoughts and his body and where they both place themselves in everyday life.

The process of this particular media piece involved the initial pitch, followed by the feedback process and concept creation. From there, we shared ideas and wrote a script. Then began the collation of suitable copyright-free music, the collation and organisation of found footage, and filming our own. We edited a rough cut, then added special FX, sound, more shooting, and refined editing.

‘Memories of the Past Monachopsis’ is a narrative of being out of place in your own memories. It is about being distant from your own memories, and feeling uncertain about how you came to own these memories you call yours. Your parents have all this footage of you as a child, and photos from your childhood, but you don’t remember them. This narrative piece questions whether you can call these memories your own, or whether it is your parent reliving their own childhood. It explores the connection with narrative, or lack thereof, as well as how the past and present manifest themselves into your current identity. Memory is skewed by the influence of physical documents that record your own mortality and existence. Noah is not the person he is in his memories and his uncertainty in his identity depicts and influences this.

The process of this particular media piece was the same as the first media piece. It involved the initial pitch, followed by the feedback process and concept creation. From there, we shared ideas and wrote a script. Then began the collation of suitable copyright free music, the collation and organisation of found footage, and filming our own. We edited a rough cut, then added special FX, sound, more shooting, and refined editing.

Displacement of Body and Mind





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