Freedom Fragmented

Video Excerpt from Project:

Link to Korsakow Project:

Short Summary

In this studio we explored poetic modes of listing. In relation to poetic listing texts we posed the following question; ‘How can we subvert narrative to create a text that has multiple interpretations but ensure the listed items hold the same significance?’. To explore this question, we created a poetic video, Freedom Fragmented, which uses interviews which we collected from a range of participant’s in which they expressed thoughts on what freedom is as both a concept and a memory. These interviews were fragmented and therefore are removed from formal narrative structures, informing their own sense of time, space, and significance. We then collated them in Korsakow, in order to allow the fragments to join together and create shared meanings. In addition, this mode provides space for the audience to derive their own meanings from the poetic text depending on how they engage with the fragments.

Individual Summaries:


Freedom Fragmented is new media, nonlinear, experimental documentary that uses infinite lists and ontography to create poetic video. The videos are fragmented, they make sense on their own and are not told as a ‘story’ (Juhaz & Lebow 2018). There is no conclusion, the loop has been left on infinite in Korsakow. Thisis one reason that the media artifact is infinite. It is an infinite list because the question (describe a time you felt free & how do you define freedom?) can be asked to nearly every human and nearly every human can have multiple answers that can change over time. Because of this, the list can keep being added too. When collating the list using the Korsakow software, the threads that connect them can change as well and constantly be added to.


Freedom Fragmented is a Korsakov film that explores the concept of freedom through a collection of interviews that were fragmented to remove narrative structure and create a documentary/new-media poetic video. We used media fragmentation to allow for this fluidity in interpretation between the listed items. Fragmenting the pieces and scattering them across the Korsakov interface allowed us to break through pre-existing connections and enabled the viewers to make new associations between fragments. It also allowed us to subvert narrative from our film and create a multi-non-linear story that required an active audience.

Rhonda –

Together as a group we created Freedom Fragmented. This is a poetic documentary created using Korsakow programming technology. As media makers we have provider the spectator with the tools to create meanings, including video and sound clips, but the text is ultimately a collaboration between author and audience, with the use of fragmentation being employed to allow spaces for the audience to create their own interpretation of meaning. Sounds used  are a collection of interviews retrieved from a range of participants in which we ask them what they believe the definition of the word ‘freedom’ is, and for each definition we filmed a segment which we believe represents the idea, therefore transforming the media work into a poetic text. Collating these responses together formed a list of multiple perspectives on freedom. The open nature of this word allows room for interpretation, as freedom connotes many different meanings and realities depending on who you ask. However, considering how unique and the concept of freedom is the importance that it holds on a human and individual level, this means that each sound clip holds its own significance in the media text.

Pre-Production in Korsakow:



Juhasz, A., Lebow, A., 2018. Beyond Story: an online, community-based manifesto. World Records 2.

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