Tarkovsky, A 1987, ‘Time rhythm and editing’, Sculpting in Time: reflections on the cinema, University of Texas Press, pp. 113-124

One thought on “Tarkovsky, A 1987, ‘Time rhythm and editing’, Sculpting in Time: reflections on the cinema, University of Texas Press, pp. 113-124

  1. This part talks about time, rhythm and editing. The most powerful determinant of the film is the rhythm, the time presenting in the images. We can’t imagine a movie without a sense of time flowing through the screen, but it’s easy to imagine that there is no actor, music, set, or even editing in a movie. Editing can not determine the rhythm, in this regard, it can only become a style of characteristics. In fact, regardless of whether or not after editing, the time flows through the film.
    This article gives a new perspective of time, rhythm and editing. Time flows in the picture, determining the choice of editing. Those “won’t edit” pieces can not properly assembled because they have recorded a completely different type of time. It is another thing to be considered when editing.

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