This week’s in-class task had a bit of an interesting result for our group. Originally we’d planned to get a collection of photos of tram stop signs, but due to time constraints that plan ended up falling apart as getting different stops required going reasonable distances to other stops. While we were travelling around between tram stops I used my camera to try and get a few photos of bikes to have as a safety option, although because we were always on the move I didn’t really get much time to consider my framing of each shot and look for the best compositions. I’m not overly impressed with a lot of the photos I got, which is why there’s only a smaller number in this gallery. In regards to editing, I’ve really grown fond of the black and white look for areas of photography I’m not as experienced in. I usually spend a lot of time making minute edits on the colours in my photos to get them looking as nice as I can, but when it comes to whatever form of photography this is I’m not really sure what everything should look like, and stuff ends up looking a bit messy. I think another issue I had was operating the manual exposure on the go. With the optical view finder I found it very easy to just shoot and forget to check if the light levels have changed from the previous shot, which often they had, as we were moving in and out of shade around the city. I think in this situation there’s nothing wrong with setting certain settings to auto and just using the exposure compensation dial to set what you want. Because there was a lot of natural light I don’t believe we would’ve had any issues with ISO noise. But yeah, just some things to think about in the future I guess. Enjoy this week’s collection of bike photos I guess. Chronological order, same as last time.


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