After discussing with Trista, we have a rough idea about the pictionary game. In this project, guessing is no doubt one of the most significant part to add entertainment and interactivity, however, painting is also the part that can use the advantage of Internet. The creator of The Sheep Market once explained his idea, “It’s actually seeing the ways that people fail, the different intricacies and character that comes from the individual that adds a lot”. People find it hilarious to watch others painting because everyone draws in a different way which may somehow expresses one’s characteristic. Internet is able to gather a huge amount of strangers to form a database, so creators can collect the information he needs, and finally produces The Sheep Market.

Similarly, I found another data collecting experiment called Quick, Draw! , developed by Google Creative Lab and Data Arts Team. This game is made for machine learning to recognise the handwriting and doodle. The system will show a word, and participant needs to draw the word in 20 seconds. During the drawing, the neural network will keep trying to guess the answer. As the AI experiences more and more different drawings of a same word, it can quickly recognise through finding the similarities in just few minutes.


To realise this goal, Google also builds a doodle database that shows over 50 million drawings. After playing with the network, I clicked in the database to look at 122,396 giraffe drawings, and I could also pick up the inappropriate drawings to help machine learning.


Quick, Draw! is a perfect example for our group to imitate. However, due to the limit of time, we couldn’t call on more participants from the Internet. As a result, we decided to do a street interview to collect drawings from strangers round RMIT library, which was more efficient than waiting for responses online, and we thought the interview could bring more entertainment  to the video. Also, we were not able to make a website, so we planned to film the whole drawing, publish on Youtube and let the audiences be the guesser to increase the interactive experience.