Development 2.3: Discussions

In this small-scale work assignment, our group is going to run a suspense fiction project on Instagram, which contains 5 different sets of teasers (without story plot) in the form of image, sound work and video, with combining these media type together by using the Story Highlights and Multiple Photos feature. Although a story plot isn’t really necessary for this project due to the project scale, we still have to create a character with corresponding personalities (a quiet psychopath), to decide the location and prepare props needed in order to film these teasers of that non-existent story content.


Fiction vs Non-fiction

To compare fiction project with non-fiction project, non-fiction project are works that completely based on the real world, what is/was happening around us, which was easier to resonate with the general public. Contrastingly, plots, characters and settings in fiction projects are mostly came from imagination (sometimes based on historical facts but not entirely), as well as they are following particular genre(s), that would only fascinate a smaller amount of audiences (not everyone like action films), however, viewers/users would probably have a deeper engagement with the project because of their personal experience and personal interest. In addition, the key objective of making fiction works and non-fiction works is dissimilar as well, fiction work’s producer would tend to express their creativeness and their dream world among audiences, where the purpose of non-fiction projects is mostly to comment on/discuss subjects that they are concerned.


Linear vs Non-linear

Linear refers to things that’s in sequence, which mostly has cause and effects; where non-linear is the opposite of it, events happened more randomly, in a story, it might not follow the chronological order (like the movie Predestination), which is more intricate in order to provoke viewers think deeply about it. Thanks to the emergence of web 2.0, media people produced and watched (and read) these days are usually in non-linear format, such as blogs that contain a massive amount of hyperlinks, and a YouTube channel that videos listed in random order. When watching media that is in non-linear, we would likely having less attention span on it as too much information had been given, but once we have found the point in common between those information/stories and interested in it, the excitement gain after seeing the whole picture was incomparable.



Similarly, a suspense/mystery fiction could have a higher chance to intensely engage with its viewers, that the different parts of it (each post we uploaded) equal to a puzzle piece, viewers have to discover the link between them in order to understand the whole concept. Even though many of us might not interested in the connection between them, a ‘vague’ teaser would still stimulate their different senses (feel excited/curious about) by its unpredictability, which encourage them to watch the next piece.


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