This week’s workshop we were assigned to run out with a Zoom H2N, a handheld recording device with a built-in microphone that has different stereo miking positions, which I thought was pretty neat. It was my first time using a Zoom microphone, but it was user friendly, almost like second nature.

We went out in pairs to record ourselves interviewing one another on different topics and I decided to talk about the RMIT library where I frequent a lot if I’m not in class or at home. Part of the exercise was to record ambient sounds as well, so my buddy and I went to a balcony on the third floor of building 80 and just hit the record button, hoping it’ll pickup the sounds of the Melbourne CBD. Then we came back to class to transfer the sound files to our laptops and started editing on a digital audio workstation (DAW). It was recommended that we used Adobe Audition, but I was more comfortable working on Logic Pro X, hence decided to go along with that. Would like to log on to to find out how to use Adobe Audition in future though.

Anyways, after spending a good hour or so editing the waveforms and adjusting the levels, here it is. I decided to cut it down to under a minute as I found it quite cringe worthy towards the end. Challenges I faced was cutting out parts where I may have cursed due to running out of things to talk about. Overall, was a good exercise refreshing my mind on how to use Logic and was great fun being an interviewer and an interviewee.