Reflection: Week 5b “Project THREE Brief + Presentation”

After the Easter break, we continue with our fifth week classes. We continued with the remaining groups for the project two presentation. There were plenty good case studies like the game montage and Vine collaboration and the non-narrative reviews  YouTubers such as Devin Supertramp and Phillip Bloom. Project three brief has been discussed at the end of the class and we had a few minutes of group discussion to flesh out some ideas. Peter and I were discussing on this new service called ‘Periscope’ and we thought it would be an awesome idea to tie it back to making interactive game shorts into video format. There it was, our first idea was born! We had shared our idea, where we wanted it to be like the ‘Twitch Plays Pokemon’ (just without the codings and stuff), to Seth and we had something to ponder about. Our first sketch idea was:

We are interested in the interactivity element from the 89 steps. so what happens if the elements are used in new online services on Periscope?

Unfortunately, we ran out of time to discuss further so Peter and I had to work with whatever we just discussed over the weekend and come up with more concrete ideas.

Something I realised over this brainstorming session is that these sketch ideas are really open. It is so vague but instead of just cracking up with one good idea, I should be coming up with different ideas and finding the best one. Seth had mentioned about making three ideas that are completely different from each other and then choose them in terms of which one we feel more interested in. This was a little more open with creativity as compared to the previous sketches we have done for project two. I am definitely getting a clearer picture on what sketching is all about. In terms of my knowledge, I am still not completely sure on the interactivity and participatory aspect. It is going to be a trouble in the future projects and I know that it will only slow me down especially with the time constraint.

I understand that my basic knowledge on participation in online videos isn’t enough for further reference. Our projects are going more in depth with our case study and if I do not have strong knowledge in my field of research, I will be producing half-assed work.

There are a lot of thinking to do as well. I have been focusing too much of ideas that I have seen instead of coming up with something new. The whole reason of this studio is to experiment and pick on certain elements of an online video and THEN transform it into something different.


I believe starting to read more on my field would be helpful to my research. The key concepts from the readings could help in my brainstorming when thinking of ideas and find out what has been used in the past. Also, checking with our lecturer would seem like a good idea to make sure we are going on the right track unlike my last project.

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