OVE – Project 3 – Video 3 – How to cook noodles? (Korsakow)

Korsakow Film (Need to be signed into RMIT account to download)

For this video I tried to use the existing video footage that I had filmed to create a sequence that was both non-linear and interactive. I used Korsakow to achieve this by opening up an initial video and then giving the user three different options as to which video to play next, until all of the videos have been played. The viewer can choose to play the videos in any sequence allowing them to interact with the footage. It works to a certain extent as it is visually appealing and makes the user the one who is in control of the content, however as an instructional video it is fairly useless. There is little to no guide to the user as to where they should start or finish but rather just a series of slightly linked videos. If the task was more complex than what I have presented, the Korsakow film method would be of little to no use. For the next task I want to create something with slightly more of a structure but still adopting the non-linear approach.

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