Unsymposium 8.0

Games are not hypertext. There was a lot of discussion around this, and at first I was not convinced. There are series of games such as Call of Duty, where characters and plot lines pass on from each edition. However, this is merely a narrative within a game. The main goal is to win the game. And not every game has a plot line or characters. Adrian used the example of Tetris. It’s just a simple aim to win.


THE QWERTY KEYBOARD. Now that little brief mention of why it was invented probably blew me away more than anything else in that 50 minutes. It was designed to stop typist from typing too fast and jamming the keys. These days the keys would definitely get jammed because all I can hear whenever someone makes a valid point in the unsymposium is a storm of keys being smashed as people document things to write about on their blogs.

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