The Visuals of the Festival

Festival Experience Studio blog post #4

With our logo as the first design ever made and introduced to the team for the Melbourne International Youth Film Festival, my teammate Arnie and I had a lot of pressure to make this design because I believe that once the logo is created, the rest of the visuals of the festival are defined by this first logo. Thus, with this week focusing on creating the festival’s posters, I have been channeling my energy into working with my design team to create quality aesthetic content whilst also keeping in mind the advice from this week’s readings on how to effectively promote our festival.

To break down the design of the logo; the brackets and red dot before the title symbolizes the recording symbol that appears in the viewfinder of a camera when a user starts recording. We chose this illustration in particular because it’s an easily recognizable symbol for anyone who has used any type of recording camera, and it also suggests a “DIY” aspect that appeals to our demographic of young adult filmmakers. Furthermore, with the color palette of red, black and white, the colors resemble RMIT University which we believed to be a necessary connection to make as we are supported and based from RMIT. The “Y” in “MIYFF” in particular is highlighted red to really emphasize the youth aspect of the festival and is also connected to the “I” to accentuate that this film festival celebrates young filmmakers from all over the world.

Appropriately, this week’s reading was very suitable and helpful for us as we begin making the new promotional material for the festival. The chapter, ‘How to Successfully Promote Your Festival’ by Andrea Kuhn, discusses the importance of creating partnerships with other media influencers, and thus, the marketing team will be working on finding sponsorships for support with finances and media circulation for the festival, whilst the design team and I will work on creating these promotional materials, such as logos and banners for websites and emails, posters, and materials for our Instagram and Facebook pages.

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