Sem 1 2017 DRAFT timetable (@10Dec2016)

The draft studio timetable follows. See also the ‘clash map’ below it which shows any legitimate clashes with lectures and screenings of context courses. As previously advised students with clashes between their studio time and any lectures/screenings of core courses (i.e. required context strand courses – not elective) should write to the Studio Coordinator [] in the period 1st-14th February 2017, just before Student Timetabling System opens (17th February), to request a change to their next studio preference. Timetable clashes will not be processed before these dates. Also note that when STS (Student Timetable System) opens on Friday, 17th February 2017 your studio times will already be entered in to your individual timetable. Do not change these. (The Studio Coordinator is the only person who can change studio allocations).

Please note we are 95% certain that this will be timetable when semester one starts … but stuff happens and there may yet be minor changes beyond our control.

BComm Media DRAFT STUDIO TIMETABLE (@10Dec2016) Sem 1, 2017

  • Another World, Stacyi Taylor, Wed 3.30-5.30pm (9.2.15), Thur 11.30-2.30pm (9.3.12)
  • Ecologies of Noticing, Adrian Miles, Tues 8.30-10.30am (9.2.16), Thur 11.30-2.30pm (9.2.18)
  • Its Alive, Leo Berkeley, Thur 1.30-5.30pm (9.1.24)
  • Lentara Co-design, Seth Keen (with Neal Haslem), Wed 9.30am-12.00pm (9.3.6A/B), Fri 9.30am-12.00pm (9.3.6A/B)
  • More Than Fabric, Christina Heristanidis, Thur 11.30-2.30pm (9.3.9), Fri 2.30-4.30pm (13.3.5)
  • Old’s Cool, Daniel Binns ,Wed 8.30-10.30am (13.3.11), Thur 11.30-2.30pm (9.2.17)
  • Room With a View, Bruce Berryman, Mon 8.30-10.30am (9.3.11) Mon 10.30-12.30pm (9.3.9)
  • True to Form, Paul Ritchard Tues 2.30-5.30pm (9.3.12) Thur 10.30-12.30pm (9.3.7)
  • Uses of Photography, Brian Morris, Tues 8.30-11.30am (9.2.18), Fri 12.30-2.30pm (9.3.10)

Clash Map – Studios v Context Strand
