Blog Post 3 – Assignment 3

An interesting aspect of this assignment is how it forced us to create media in a “reactive” way. The majority of the audio has been completed, and the other members of the group are now filming footage in response to the tone of the music, which is the opposite of how most productions operate. This way of filmmaking is interesting, as it forced is to think as we went and use our own interpretations of the music to dictate the direction of the filming.

We have decided to compromise on our ideas for the footage; instead of just having the same footage between all the songs, and instead of showing different dance styles for each clip, we have decided to film the same ‘scene’ eight times, with different emotions being displayed in each to compliment the music. By doing this, we are keeping a consistency between the footage, as each song will be accompanied by the same actions. The only difference between the footage is how the actions are shown. We are filming someone making breakfast, which we decided is a fairly emotionless and neutral activity, making it easy to have the music manipulate. All the actions and cinematography will be the same, but the subject of the video will execute the actions displaying different emotions each time. We feel this is the best way of showing the effect music can have on the tone of a scene, but still leave some of it up to audience interpretation.

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