Brief One: Self and Identity

Whenever I introduce myself to my friend’s parents, their response is usually something along the lines of

“Oh Sam! You’re the film one, right?”

This is just one of many examples of how, for a long time, film has been my identifier.

However, in a Media course, my passion for film and my ambitions to become a filmmaker hardly make me unique. This is one of the reason why the brief to create a lo-fi media self portrait is a real challenge for me. When previously I would automatically start talking about in film in these kind of self-introduction activities, I feel to do that now would be simply stating the obvious. So as I can’t rely on my usual introduction, and I’m not entirely sure who I am without film, I’ve decided to instead focus on the people, places and experiences that make me who I am. By showing where I fit into the world, I might be able to present a even more accurate representation of who I am than if I were to explain the person I want to become.