
Postboxes make me nostalgic. I remember the anticipation of a letter arriving at your house – and now we communicate through text and email. It made me wonder how much time is going to pass before sending letters will become obsolete. I wondered when the day would come where I would be e-mailed all things that I expect in the post, and then I wondered what would come after e-mails.

It helped me realise that we as a society are extremely dependent on media. It also caused me to understand that media isn’t a tangible thing, but the world that we live in. Media and society have almost a symbiotic relationship where they live together in a mutualistic way – each benefits from each other. Society is given media to use to create things and portray meaning, and media is furthered by society’s technological abilities.

I had an epiphany when thinking about postboxes on my way to university, it helped me realise that media actually wasn’t a ‘thing’ but it reiterated from so many weeks ago that media was actually a ‘space’ or the ‘world’ we live in – it is not always a tangible thing. And this caused me to ask myself, ‘Are we contained by media?’ – it was something I hadn’t quite figured out yet.

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