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of a media student

Week 10 Reflections / Problems.

This week, we’ve continued working on our major K-Film, which will be taking place at Luna Park.
We’ve hit a few bumps already – mainly surrounding the fact we are using a certain location and particular participants.
The first hump – Luna Park is only open on the weekends… (which also narrows it down again when you include the weather factor –  who goes to Lunar park on rainy days).
The second has been the fact we’re focusing on specific participants, meaning that we can’t just show up and film – we have make sure our 6 participants are able to shoot on the same days we are available… so much harder than what it sounds.
We now know for sure that we’ll be focusing out K-Film on Luna Park, however, we are having a bit of trouble keeping away from from the possibility or our film become more like an advertisement for Luna Park, promoting the rides and games, rather than a tale of experiences.
Which is ultimately where we should be heading – we want to know how the different rides, the atmosphere and the park itself effects people – why they go. We’re going to have people of all different ages and groups…but we just need to figure out how to structure our questions to we’re not advertising the park… tricky.

rebeccaskilton • May 18, 2014

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