week 4 reading response

Cal Newport

So here, we have two approaches to work — the Craftsman Mindset (artists and musicians), and the Passion Mindset (which is argued to be what most people adopt). I found there were two clear distinctions to the both of these; where the passion mindset focuses on what the world can offer you whereas the craftsman focuses on what you can offer the world. Very interesting, especially when you consider how it’s suggested if you adopt the CM first, then the passion and adoration for your work will follow, where you’re constantly striving to get better and improve your craft, and that this can often offer a sense of clarity. In contrast to this, the PM includes doing what you love because you believe it to provide success and happiness, however this can keep you confused and stir up ambiguous questions about your life and the path you lead. Newport suggests that this will lead to people becoming hyper-aware of what they don’t like about their job, which can lead to “chronic unhappiness”. Fantastic.

I take slight issue with Newport’s #2 rule suggesting that you should never question whether your job is your passion or not, instead spread that focus into becoming really good at the job. I think about myself though, and if I’m unhappy / unstimulated by the work that I’m doing I won’t put my best foot forward, and oftentimes end up resenting it more when I exhaust myself into trying to master it. I have been told my whole life from parents and teachers alike to do what I love and care about, because success and happiness will follow in that path, and I agree. I have this fear of not wanting to be stuck wasting my life doing something that doesn’t inspire me

So, evidently, adopting the Craftsman mindset would benefit yourself but also the content you produce, but it seems — according to Newton, at least — achieving this may not be quite as simple as it seems.

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