Week 9 : first plan, some inspirations and changes

To expand from our last assignment, our topic is boredom, now we shift our focus to explore more about attention. Since we thought that people often spend their time on their phones because of getting bored, therefore, we want to explore more about what it is on their phone. and it eventually lead us to how do people pay their attention towards those contents on their phones. Audience attention and participation is what we are looking for.

Moreover, our project is planned to respond to the idea of interactivity where people can engage and interact with our project. As our project seeks for audience’ attention and the video will be designed to ask for attention from audience. And from that point, we thought that the viewer will pay attention and try to engage with our project.


Since our idea is related to social and attention, we first decided to make it appear as in a social appearance such as a screen page of Facebook. Then the viewers can scroll down the screen where few videos will pop up. However, our first plan was quite complex and far more of appealing concrete. We did not even know what software we could use.

We looked up for some sources in order that we could get an idea out of something. Then we got some inspiring ideas from this attention test where it asks us to count how many people in white shirt passing a ball and it ends up asking us about the monkey that walked pass by. Surprisingly, I wasn’t noticing that at all, but Liam (one of my teammates) caught it. Therefore, I think it is not only about attention and memory but also participation. The video got you to focus on it and you felt more engage with those contents. I personally thought that curiosity is one of components that formed my attention towards the video, It urged me to look and think and remember things.

Moreover, we also watched few more examples of these videos.

After considering and consulting together, the plan was changed. I thought that we just tried to keep it simple and possible to make. Our plan is to show our contents about attention span video and add some quiz. The quiz is for testing the attention and memory of the audiences. Besides, our project is also planned to respond to the idea of user-generated/contributed content where the viewers are part of a contribution, so they will have to do quiz after watching videos and their answers will be contributed to overall result and can be compared to others.

Therefore, Wix is a good choice for us where we can put videos in and insert some quiz as well.