My takeaway ideas from “Chris Argyris”

Taking away ideas from Argyris..

This reading seemed fairly confusing to begin with. I found myself wondering why we’d be reading about organisations and learning theories designed to make organisations better when we were studying media and essentially “just blogging”. BUT the conclusion seemed to point to some direction and relevance. That is, to use Argyris theories of double-loop learning in our university education rather than rely on learning by trial and error.

So, instead of going through an entire process where we wind up discovering what we have done wrong and reflect upon how to resolve this problem we can now cut out this wasted time.

Sounds a bit abstract but according to this reading we can learn by reflecting upon the “theory in action”. Basically, my idea of this theory is that it’s a framework for understanding why we make the choices/actions we do. Considering this, if we implement “double-loop learning” we can analyse and question the actions we make before we make them.

Double-loop learning is “creative and reflexive” which seems to be what this course is about. If not, well I guess I’m sure to discover more throughout the course of this semester.

On a side note…this feels scarily like I’m back in COMMS…!