To list or not to list

Q: Does Bogost want to find & identify relations between all things, or take them apart? (i.e. the disjointedness of lists)

  • Both. You can’t ever identify all the possible relations of things and therefore it’s an alien. You can’t know all relations so you can’t know totally, fully what something is. Because you can’t know relations that may or may not happen in the future. (eg. my glasses might be eaten by my dog so it can also be a choking hazard. But I don’t know that that will happen so I can’t say that it’s a relation yet.)
  • He just wants to tell us that this is how the world is; it’s connected yet disjointed?? Every element and part is an individual object. It has it’s own being that has come from other things, that have also come from other things, etc.

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