This weeks Tuesday class consisted around interviewing and practicing the skills essential for conducting a good interview.  We continued to use the Sony X200 which was great as I now feel much more comfortable and confident with this camera. Adding a Lapel and Boom mic to the mix was something I am quite familiar with but is always good to have the experience with, especially when working with students that have a varying knowledge with this equipment, I was able to gain some tips and trick that I was unaware about.

After class myself and my group were able to gain resources from the Living Museum of the West and discuss our separate approaches to assignment 2 and what content we were going to cover. We were lucky enough to take scans of photos taken before the collapse of the bridge and after, news paper clipping and other official documents that surround the collapse.  Other resources included a record which contained a song that was created post-collapse of the bridge, a bolt that was once part of the bridge and audio recordings from Donna Jackson’s documentary about the bridge.  All of these resources will come in use when producing assignment 2.

Sadly I am sick this week and was unable to attend this week’s visit to the museum of Friday, luckily we made our visit earlier in the week. I have used this time to edit together the interview production and explored all the resources we gained earlier in the week. Through editing the production I have gained a better understanding of the events that unfolded around the bridge’s collapse and feel that this is a subject I would very much like to delve into deeper, in future assignments. Creating an interview from archival footage is something that I have never completed before and it held many different challenges compared to those you would find when editing together an interview you have conducted yourself. Something that I found quite challenging was the lack of control you had on elaborating or extending content surrounding a certain subject I wished to explore. For example, Eddie, the worker I decided to focus on, would say something that I would like to elaborate on, but because the archival audio I was sourcing had a range of other workers, it could cut to another personal account and cut Eddie’s recalling off. I feel I was able to counter this by re-arranging Eddies interview segments but would have loved to be able to interview him myself.