
Hey all, so if you have made it to this page it means that you wanted a little background info on yours truely. Gotta say I’m pretty faltered, red cheeks and everything.

Now to the actually background junk.

I’m from southwest Victoria initially, a small dairy farm in an area called Toolong, I grew up there with my 3 brothers and my parents, I worked on and off at the farm with my dad as well as occasionally working as reception and social media manager for our tattoo shop in Warrnambool. I left there in 2015 to come to Melbourne to study at RMIT in its screen and media diploma/ advance diploma and after two years and two short films, I graduated those and took a pathway right into the middle of the Bachelor of communication (media) where I currently am now.

So that pretty much brings us to right now, so, seeing that i’m a media student I think that it would make sense to list some of the media that like to watch/listen/read.

I’m a huge fan of cartoons like Adventure time and Steven universe, pretty much just a huge fan of animation in general, film wise I’m a big fan of Wes Anderson’s work (The grand hotel Budapest is favourite) and when it comes to listening to things I’m a big fan of podcasts since I prefer listening rather than speaking, specific ones I like are The Rooster teeth podcast, We’re not Doctors and the Adventure zone just to name a few.

That seems like a good general over view of who I am and where I came from, I hope that it was half decent to read and that you sort of understand me a bit better now.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.