Friday 8th May Studio (Week 9)

Unfortunately today’s studio was cancelled and so in preparation of the next studio, Errol and I continued to clarify and define our intentions for Project 4. As mentioned in previous blog posts, we are interested in creating almost a tool for Snapchat that allows an array of users to contribute content a host user (representing a community of people) in order to create a collaborative collection of skate content within Snapchat and thus, a hybrid from of skate video as an example of online video practice.

After further considering the logistics of this idea, we are reminded of Snapchat’s ‘Our Story’ function in which for the coverage of an event, Snapchat users within a particular vicinity can transfer content to a database-like user allowing many individual users to contribute to the same sequence of imagery (curated for appropriateness). This feature functions very similarly to our intention for the Prototype in the way that it allows multiple users to contribute content to the one piece of work. However, our Prototype would involve more aspects of curation and organising of content in order to produce what we would define as ‘effective skate video’ within Snapchat. Along with taking our discoveries from the previous Projects (as mentioned in the previous blog post), it seems important to create as much ‘skate video’ as possible using Snapchat in order to experiment with what techniques produce effective skate video, whilst exploring what happens to the narrative/non-narrative form. Being both involved in our own practice of skate video (and BMX video alike), Errol and I are familiar with traditional techniques of skate video capture. However, these techniques are relevant for the practice of skate video within a standard linear form. Meaning it will be interesting to discover how this might vary due to the affordances and constraints of Snapchat. I expect the 10 second clip limitation of Snapchat in particular, to pose the ability for new creative practices to be used within skate video, redefining the practice as a new hybrid form.

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