In this weeks workshop we started talking about the personalization of our blogs and the structure/style conveyed in their presentation. I’m really trying to aim my blog to be more personal, although it is currently very structural I think that- that’s purely a reflection on my personality. I’m generally a very organised person sometimes at points to organised, always arriving early. It’s actually kind of humor to think lately I’ve been trying to be more ‘on time’ to things rather than early as I end up waiting around for quite a bit when I overcompensate for travel time. Besides that I really want to talk about aspect in this blog that generally interest me and link them in with my learning. We’re focusing a lot on our self portrait (short films) at the moment and I’m hoping to create mine in a way that will really reflect my personality. I’ve very interested in film, media of course and changing technology, art, music, spirituality and psychedelics. I take inspiration from the films Ex Machina, Into the Void, Whiplash, and many other new contemporary flicks which apart more as an art rather than a narrative (although all mentioned have complex story lines in themselves the cinematography is what I find more alluring). I’ll probably be focusing a lot on my cinematography so hopefully it goes well, I’ll check in on here later.