Week 4 Summary

This week I lead our group’s discussion on the state of our organisation for our seminar. This included discussing and finalising our top three guests that we would like to invite and allocating specific roles for everyone so everybody could start actively working towards our seminar. I compiled these in a Google Doc on our Google Drive, breaking down the roles into tasks to be completed before the seminar and those to be completed on the day of the seminar, which Dominic then compiled into a table.

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 After allocating roles and deciding on our top three guests, we set tasks to be completed by next week which include having a pitch from those creating the promo video, a pitch from those creating the promo poster, and a pitch from those responsible for organising the structure of the seminar, script and questions for the seminar.

I posted the minutes from the meeting on our ‘Meeting Minutes’ Google Doc in our Google Drive with subsequent tasks to be achieved listed. I also posted this on our Facebook Group to remind everyone of the tasks to be achieved and inform those who couldn’t be in class as to what was discussed and decided upon.

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I also posted the files from Blackboard relevant to our seminar, including the checklists, equipment forms, and media releases that we are required to submit as part of our documentation. I accompanied this with a note that there were a couple of things we overlooked during our discussion so that we members of the group can have a look at everything we must check off and see if the roles we overlooked are something they would like to do, so we can discuss these next week.

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