Bad, Good and Bad Again (Week 4)

I have this theory that bad things happen in three’s,  if I’ve only experienced two in this situation, im unfortunately awaiting the third….

1.My friend told me that the world/ universe constantly wants you to grow and doesn’t want you to ever be to comfortable, thus it takes away something from you so you can learn. Its not fair or anything but its true… which makes me think if everything you love and the reason people live their lives well at least for me is love and happiness then whats the whole point?

2. And then theres the whole wanting something to happen, but because you are craving it to happen it wont. The world works like that as well, its really rare that you’ll find yourself in a situation that you wanted to happen, at least without it being taken away from you very soon after hence point 1.

3. Lastly when you are hoping that something doesn’t happen to you for whatever reason, it happens anyway.

I guess I started thinking of these ideas, as a reflection of the events in my own life and how they really do relate to these ideas. It also came up because of the Cal Newport reading and the whole seeking passion and working hard to get to where you want to be… its made me think a lot about myself and how the world works.


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