M4A2 – Unfamiliar Noticing – Refining

Q: What did you learned about making media through noticing that you could apply to future project?

A: In question form (I know I shouldn’t answer a question with more questions, but I’m doing it anyway)
1: How does media use movement, timelines and structure (Can be Cinematography) to create blind spot for the audience to notice the symbolism that might implies important reference?
2: How does media use outside information to influence their audience to think in a certain way.

M4A2 – Unfamiliar Noticing – Reflecting

Q1: What are the difference and similarities between what you expected to notice and what you recorded?

A1: It was fairly different from what I was expecting to see, probably because of the lack of lecture during the visit, the lack of someone constantly giving out information about certain subjects and the lack of constant focus on one subject at a time. It became more of a park rather than a outdoor museum of plants, like the garden wasn’t even there, people walking past people just like any average parks. There were also some private properties inside an open public garden which was a slight bit of surprise to my tiny mind of mine. On my way to home, I also discovered that some of the tram stops in that area all leads to Melbourne University as their final destination, and no, they’re not the same tram line.

Q2: How do you think your partner’s way of collecting media differs from yours?

A2: I think her way of collecting pieces was more generalised as I might have mentioned in my last post, which is pretty much the opposite to my tunnel vision way of collecting. The end result of hers is a few of big information chunks or to put it in Mason-reading’s term, a huge list of items/events, meanwhile mine was a number of scattered fragments which is similar to the Patrick Pound’s exhibition way of collecting, probably due to my photography background (During year 10 to year 12, I was a full-time photography focused student).

Q3: How has making this work lead you to understand key ideas of noticing in relation to reading, exhibition, discussion?

A3: Throughout the activities such as reading, exhibition and discussion, everything follows a similar line of logic, scattered fragments of informations (In any shape of form) that might or might not be related, and from these information, people generates ideas of what the event might be from their own perspective. Regarding reading and exhibition, lets take novels in general as an example, the reader reads a line of texts, and imagine an image of the event, sample action like “Person A punched Person B” the word “punched” can possibly implies many ways punching, was it a low-blow? Was it a direct hit? Was it…etc, this is typically bends to the reader’s perspective of how most people punch people. Regarding discussion, this is a multiplied version of “reading” and “exhibition” where multiple perspective combine their common ground into one, however, in doing so, this will hides some of specific portions which tides to one’s mind but not the others, let’s take movies as an example, “You know nothing, John Snow” what does this line implies? Does John Snow really knows nothing about the event? Is he an idiot? Or…is he pretending to not know the event? While I’m no Game of Throne fan, follower, or cultist…etc, I’ll say this should be enough to get an idea of what I’m trying to say here.

M4A2 – Unfamiliar Noticing – Noticing


All 7 shots clamped into 1 for more efficient file management, sounds were eliminated as it acts more of a distortion, very much the same deal from week 3 however in reverse. These are not exactly the best shots I could’ve taken if I was to use a proper camera and other related equipments, however, for co-operating with my partner, compromise needs to be made. As for her shots, please go to her blog post (Liwan Li) on the similar topic.

Royal Botany Garden

Update on Wed 9th Aug 2017
In the classes where everyone discuss with their partners, we found out that all of my pieces tends to be more precise (Doesn’t hurt to have a bit self-praising from time to time), meanwhile her shots being more generalised. Due to the limitation of our equipment (iPhone), all of the shots that were taken were wide shot, so my partner took that as her advantage which eventually helped me noticing a few of the small elements sat in my Blind-Spot during my day to day traveling via Southern Cross Station.

Things I’ve noticed via her pieces, while I do believes that I know the place fairly well, I wasn’t expecting to find out some of the tiny pieces that I’ve missed. So here is…well…a short list (I can hardly call this a list to be fairly honest)
1. The lights that gives the driver the signal to depart and/or stop
2. Outside building which leads to some different points of views of the construction of the station

M4A2 – Unfamiliar Noticing – Prompt

As the task or assessment requires, this one asks me to go to an unfamiliar location of my partner’s choice which happens to be the Royal Botany Garden for my recording portion and Southern Cross Station for hers. These 2 location seems to be fairly suitable for our purpose, as I personally am not a huge fan of nature (And vice versa) meanwhile she don’t seems to be traveling through Southern Cross very often.

As for the method of recording, we intend to record multiple 5-10 sec phone video starting from shooting (As in video shooting) our feet then look up to have a glance of the surrounding, we’ll continue doing this every 10 min within the area.

As for the “content” that I’m expecting to see in the area, I was at one point a furniture student, so I had been there a couple years ago for a short tour of seeing some of the more common woods that are used in furnishing. Although as I was an ignorant teenager, I pretty much forgot at least the majority what was there, here is a short list of things I remember that were there or used to be there.
1. Trees or plants of different species
2. Long chairs or any park related furnishing
3. Elderly people
4. Small lakes
5. Metallic door frames (Entrances)

Week 3 – Noticing Sound – Aftermath

Following the event occurred on last Wed and Thu (2nd-3rd), a few of the questions were left on the whiteboard hanging all the way in the oddest possible spot of the room.

Q: What kind of thing did sound help you notice that images might not have?
A: By taking away the visual element of the media, sound becomes the dominate form of transmitting information from the media to the consumer which results in noticing details that would otherwise ignored or covered by visual distortions. Similar to reading a novel where visual elements are very limited, the reader will often have to imagine the scene that writer originally intended, while sounds works in a similar fashion but would often be more affected by one’s perspective, leading its listeners to a narrower range of possible imaginary scenes.

Q: 3 in 1 question as followed
1) What was the difference between listening to your own ear & then listen to recorded sound?
2) What did you notice differently?
3) Was there anything in the recording that was curious to you?
A: When recording the sound, everything seems and sounds just about as normal as it could possibly get, likely due to having visual elements as a strong base of support, once the visual are taken out, a sense of what will happen next becomes more apparent.The curious part of the recording isn’t exactly a part of the recording, but rather what comes after it, as the trolly passes further and further, there was a sense of something quick and loud will soon happen at some point, despite it never actually happened.

M4A1 – Seeing the Unseen – Reflection

So…the result is roughly about the same from the 4 people from my table, not much outside of what I personally have noticed in my collections of the photos. And no, I don’t think I am very attentive to my surrounding to a point where I know absolutely every thing, probably due to I wasn’t sure what I was suppose to show…yes…very…likely…

Link to Alternative site

M4A1 – Seeing the Unseen – Prompt


1st Assessment of the major course, despite not able to attend the week before, therefore not knowing what was needed to be done, but in the end I’ve muster a few of the older images in an attempt to sort of catch up or…should I say patch up the holes?

So the prompt is to find the infinite factor with limited resources (7 of 2:3 Still Images) or…at least…attempts to…but…alas, alls well that ends well?

Link to Fullsize images